RCA Annual Conference Lunch 2025
June 27, 2025
Location: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center.
Registration for ACS is OPEN
See the Conference Website for registration information including hotel reservations (Sheraton and Hyatt). There is a block of rooms available at those two hotels.
You MUST REGISTER for ACS by MAY 31. Registration after will have a late fee of $100.
Luncheon Registration will be available for download in May and will be in the May issue of Days of Grace.
ACS Per Diem forms will be available for download in May and will be in the May issue of Days of Grace. Copies of the Per Diem form will be made available at the luncheon and the RCA Display Table.
Gathering of Spiritual Leaders
Per Diem Gathering 2025 Reimbursement Form
Please note you may submit this form prior to the event. Include your registration confirmation and you may use Google Maps (or similar) to guesstimate your mileage.
Spiritual Direction Grant Form
There is some grant money to help pay for Spiritual Direction. Please download THIS FORM for more information on what qualifies and how to apply.
W.I.S.E. = Wisdom In Scholarship & Education Spiritual Growth Grant in conjunction with the Endowment Board
Watch for this new program being launched on July 1, 2025 to help RCA Members fund their continue Spiritual Growth! You will also be hearing about this from the Conference Claimants Endowment Board. Exciting things are coming!!
Beneficiaries Form
In a cooperative effort led by Marsha Bryan, Dave Bennett, and Jenny Copello, this form was developed so you can help your survivors once you are no longer able to answer their questions.
The link below will download the 9 page pdf file for you to fill out and print. Please put it with your other important papers. Make sure those who would need this information know where it is.
Norton LifeLock
Purpose: According to Norton LifeLock, there is a victim of identity theft in the U.S. every 3 seconds and more than 63 million Americans (mostly age 60+) have been affected by identity theft. With these statistics in mind, The Endowment Board is dedicated to their mission of supporting the retired clergy and spouses and is now offering complimentary Norton LifeLock protection against identity and cyber theft. If you are interested in enrolling in this optional benefit, please reach out to Jenny Copello at the Endowment Board and she will send the CA-NV dedicated enrollment link.
Restrictions: Individuals can enroll at any time. This benefit is only one per household, with the exception of both spouses being clergy. The benefit is paid for in full by The Endowment Board and enrollment can happen at any time.
Contact: Jenny Copello at jenny@endowbd.org
Shepherd’s Fund
Purpose: Offsets costs for retirees/spouses who are experiencing financial hardship due to an unforeseen circumstance. For example, moving to an assisted living facility, new hearing aids, extraordinary dental work, identity theft fallout, travel for a loved one’s funeral, surgery not covered by insurance, stroke rehabilitation cost assistance, etc.
Restrictions: Each request can be up to $2,000, and you can only access the fund twice.
Contact: Paul Extrum-Fernandez at paul@bopumc.net
Cluster Groups
Cluster Groups are lunch gatherings that offer fellowship opportunities with other RCA colleagues. They’re held periodically in cities like Chico, Lodi, Sacramento, Santa Rosa, and Sparks. For more information or to start your own cluster group, email Nancy Daley at nancydaley@ca-nv-rca.org. You will be provided a list of people in your area to invite!
Book Study and Current Event Study Zoom Groups
These groups pop up periodically. Make sure we have your current email as they are usually announced via email first. Sometimes there isn’t enough lead time for a Days of Grace announcement. If you wish to conduct one, contact Nancy to announce it.